A COSHH assessment focuses on the dangers and risks of substances in your working environment. A risk assessment is done, at the workplace against health-hazardous substances. The substances include any form, of liquids, fumes, solids, dust, fibers, nanoparticles, gases, bacteria, and viruses. These parts of substances can cause severe damage to the lungs, liver, heart, nose, mouth, and internal organs, or slow degradation of health. The health hazards are caused, by by-products or residuals produced during the process, such as silica produced, from the cutting. Mostly more than half of the businesses generate hazardous substances in some or other forms. Control of substances hazardous to health regulations stands for COSHH. The main of the COSHH Assessment in the workplace is to control health-related, hazardous substances. The effects may remain for the short term or long term. Hence the regulations are designed for the benefit of the people working around such an area.